Tee hee.
I drew this for a random person on a forum. Her little avatar is dressed as a grizzly bear and I wanted the challenge of drawing fur. Well, the fur ending up looking...well, harsh. So I deleted the fur layer and decided to just do an airbrush look.
I really like it. Grizzly bears are surprisingly easy to draw. The puppy gave me some difficulty, but I just drew him twice and then called it done. Over all... I THINK IT'S SO CUTE.
Anyways, in other news.
I was looking at local dogs to adopt today. I do not know why I torture myself with doing this! I can't stand to see doggies without homes. Sigh. I want another dog. I have Frappy and absolute love him. But I'd like a friend/family member for him who isn't a turtle stuck in a tank until he's big enough to not be gnawed on. Plus, I want a big dog to cuddle with too!
Well. I happened to find the most beautiful 9 month old husky/wolf mix. She's absolute adorable and I want her! Too bad I do not own or even rent a place with a yard. Otherwise she'd be mine in a heart beat. I have all the time for a husky. Just no yard. Sigh...
Anyways. I babysat Abby last night and we picked out a movie on xBox Live to watch and I was going to sit down and SEW.
Too bad I used up all of my fleece! UGH!
I could have swore I had a large stock of fleece. So, my sewing plans were canceled. I was really disappointed. I had this idea of what I could do to start earning some more money for my new sewing machine and yet here I was, nine o'clock at night, with no materiel to use. Depressing! But I still feel hope. I plan on going to Carson soon to stock up on my fleeeeece for this rad idea I had.
I might draw some pictures and show you the idea rather than tell you. ;]
Awe - I love huskies! We are currently considering getting rid of our little dog - Taz. He is just not going to work with baby. Don't get me wrong - great dog but he barks A LOT and he steals stuff and hides it. It's cute until you try to retrieve something while he's present and he snaps. Augh. I wish I had time to train him and fix his problems. :(