Sunday, July 26, 2009

Friday Was Amazing

I am officially in love with Gwen Stefani. She is a most amazing woman! Fantastic live! The whole band was amazing. I could not have dreamt of a better No Doubt concert than the one they had put on. So much energy and so much talent! I absolutely adore them and it was worth the long, many years of waiting for them to go on tour again!

Even sitting in the smoldering California heat was worth it!

Paramore was alright. However I don't really care for them much. Too... teeny for me. The Sounds were amazing and I want to buy one of their CDs now. That blonde chick was a good singer and very entertaining! I got some excellent videos of all of the performers. Especially No Doubt. I'll be uploading them soon enough. Squee.

It was so fun with Curtis, Venice and Liz. I forgot how much I love concert going! I want to go to Nickelback next month. Mmmmm!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh, I Need to Update.

I'm watching Herculces.
This movie is amazing. I love Greek Mythology.

I stopped the detox because it was being all weird and perhaps I was doing it right. I felt all sicky and my energy was practically zero the whole time. So, eased back off and am now just going to the gym every other day. But oh well! It's not like I need to lose any pounds! That's what those detoxes seem like to most people, especially arrogent people. It's actually something to clean out your body and blood stream. The gym is lovely. I love working out. It's so thrilling and actually gives me some energy.

You know what's funny?
When people start blogs 'for their family' but they never seem to get any comments or anything? Makes me wonder if they are who they say are! I mean, it's the internet and anyone could pose as someone else. In fact, I don't believe SHE'S a she at all. I think she's an imaginary person. I mean honestly... I don't know ANYONE who has obsessed over someone's ex as I'm told this person does. I've had a friend not like her man's ex, but never start a slam book about her, constantly thinking about her boyfriend's ex... I don't know. Seems fishy to me. But, I don't like to look. Because it's just a waste of time to worry about someone else's denial and harsh words. I mean, I wouldn't waste my time posting about how much I hated my old boss. That'd be like 24 hours of pure wasted time! Besides, we may have been ignored for the least part, but we still got what we wanted; them. ^__^ Chew on that.

I have gotten a lot done lately! Especially considering how busy I have been. I finally got my new sewing machine and it has been working like a dream! I've got like 56 stitch options, the bobbin is easy to load, it's pretty quiet... Aaah, finally things are falling through for me. I can continue work on my designs and my ultimate goal. So, they got side tracked for a little over a month. Big deal! I'm getting closer and closer to my dream as each day goes by.

The beach is amazing. I love living like five minutes from it. We go every week, if not every other day. The puppy loves it too! He hates the cold water, but loves digging and socializing with all of the other dogs. I live in the most beautiful place in the world! Especially in Nevada. Every else here is just disgusting and pointless. Especially Dayton! Yuck, white trashville. The only thing Reno has going for it is the malls and nicer casinos. But it's just a mini Vegas. Which we all know is crackville. ;D But, it's alright... Everyone needs one of those places so the nicer places, like where I am, seem even better. Too bad about all the snow, though!

Anyways, Friday will be most amazing. We've got a fanastic day lined up. Spending the whole day with three of my favorite people, seeing my top favorite band... What more could I ask for? I'm living my life how I please and it's perfect. I don't need to be 'doing something' to keep me happy. I'm perfectly content with just being me and living freely. Rather than being wrapped up in a job that doesn't really satisfy me. Ugh. I do miss all the Childrens Museum, however. It was pretty funny teaching kids about stuff and hanging around them all day. But I am young! So I can do just about anything I want seeing as when I do work, I work something I like and I do it extremely well. I'm also smart about spending and my bills, so I have no money worries. Like a lot of people out there. Poor guys.

But hey! I was taught well and not everyone has that.

Anyways! I have to go get some real stuff done! Got to stop wasting time on blogging.
;) Laters.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Review of Day 3 on the Master Cleanse

Orange juice and maple syrup;
Yesterday was not so bad. I drank two liters of the orange juice and maple syrup mixture. It actually made me feel pretty full all of the time. I was no longer feeling dizzy and actually woke up feeling happy and light. So, the headache went away once I finally rested.

I've been drinking water like crazy. Which is nothing really new, I am a big water drinker. The only problem I've been having is all the bathroom stops! Gosh.

So yesterday was Curtis's day off. I never realize how much time we spend together just eating. It's like an intimate affair of some sort. I felt really lonely and disgruntled whenever he was eating and I was not. I guess dinner and lunch, any food time, is more like a social thing than actually eating to nourish my body. Although, I do try and eat healthy. No fried chicken, hardly any red meat, salads when they look good. So, as I sat in torture while Curtis was eating his really good smelling chili dog at Burgers-N-Such, I couldn't help but be grumpy, jealous, lonesome. I had nothing to do but pray for the next few days to come quickly. I wanted to enjoy food with him, with my grandpa, with my sister. I could never see how aneroxic people do it! It felt so awful not joining in, I felt like everyone was watching me.

Luckily though, everyone is somewhat supportive of my detox. I just wish I felt the same now! I think it would have been much better to just stay home with my little detox thing. I wouldn't have to smell food or have to explain why I wasn't eating without feeling like people doubted it was really that.

Now it's on to the actual detox! The lemonade, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup! I hope I can survive.

For those of you interested, here's the REAL master cleanse. I'm doing some weird Ease In adaption.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Review of Master Cleanse Day Two

Fruit Juice and/or Broth;
I. miss. food. I miss the texture, the smell, the taste! I crave meat so bad it's crazy! I drank nothing but a million pounds of water and fruit juice! So, Candice suggested I make some broth and just try to satisfy my meat craving with that. I boiled a cup and half of water (to keep it watered down) and not even a full teaspoon left of my chicken bullion. Oh man, it felt so good drinking something so close to eating chicken.

And then Curtis got home from work and I was begging him to get me a chicken taco. But he's being supportive and said he would not help me ruin what I started. Unless I drove there myself. He knew I wouldn't. And perhaps I really would have if I wasn't so dizzy from the horrible headache I had gotten. But, then again, now that I think about... Day Two was probably the worst so far. The first day not having solid foods? Yeah, pure torture.

Let me tell you. I have never wanted to deep clean my bathroom as I did yesterday! Drinking all that liquid made me and my friend the restroom very friendly. The floor is horridly dirty! And I just mopped! Hopefully I'll have the energy to clean it in the following days seeing as Day Two left me curled up on the couch nursing my hungry, painful mind. I think THINKING I was so hungry was what made the headache.

I don't know... maybe this master cleanse thing makes you go insane also?

Also, my lovely aunt found at that Gwyneth Paltrow has also done the Master Cleanse and is on a 'different' sort of cleanse this month. =( Wish I had heard of her new one before me and Candice dove into this! I can handle salads and smoothies for a week!
Read the short article here!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Review of Day 1 on the Master Cleanse

Day One; Fruits and Vegetables only
So, yesterday was day one of this 'cleanse'. Pure. Torture.
Honestly, you never know what foods you do and do not like until you go on a cleanse and you either a) have to eat them or b) aren't allowed to eat them. I cannot tell you how much I gagged after eating a raw celery. I really do not like celery by itself. Throw some peanut butter or ranch or something on it and I'm all set! Throw it in stew! But please, do not offer it by itself. And I also found out that cherries are somewhat of a laxitive? That or my tummy just hurt from pretend hunger pangs.

Anyways, so because it's a hard habit to break, eating solids and what not, I had a difficult time yesterday with just fruit and veggies. I ended up snacking all day on this fruit and some carrots. The carrots were somewhat slimy so I was kind of afraid of them. But hey, Frappuccino loved them. He's the weirdest dog ever, loving carrots. Anyways, back to the diet talk.

Yesterday I looked up to see if it was wise or not to work out while on such low carbs. No, definitely not a good idea to do anything that will tax your heart. A website suggested mild walking/jogging, swimming, and easy cycling. So, me and Frappy go on walks to 'help the process'. I'd like to get a treadmill someday, for those rainy days and days the stupid trail is closed. Like today. They're tearing down trees on my nice little trail! How am I suppose to 'help the process along' if I can only go a few feet back and forth? LAME.

So, I decided to do some vlogging about it too. I think I'll upload the video soon. I planned on doing both, blog and youtube updates so people can get a good feel for it. Like I said in my video, I type better than I speak. And I planned that at the end of this crazy 12 day cleanse I'll compile all of the videos into one and then BAM instant easy watching. Or something like that. I'm not sure.

Anyways. I'll probably blog later tonight about this Day Two. Hopefully I can last because right now... I have to turn off the tv to stop being taunted by the KFC commercial. And I don't even like KFC!

So, check back laterzzzz.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Master Cleanse

How it started;
So my friend was asking me if I had ever heard of this Master Cleanse aka the Lemonade Cleanse. I did some looking up for her and then left it at that, not really interested in a fancy way of starving myself. Then she had mentioned something about her wanting to try it. Then when Candice had told her boyfriend about her wanting to do it, he said she couldn't last. Well, upon hearing this, I decided to join my friend in her struggle to complete a cleanse/diet thing. Plus, it's only a week. I was/am determined to complete this thing with her, help her accomplish something! And along way, hopefully clear up some of my acne. You can only do so much on the outside, time to help heal the inside, right?

What it is;
The lemonade cleanse. At first, I thought, "Oh man! I like lemonade!" But when I saw what was needed in this lemonade in order for you to be cleansed but still get the everyday requirements for living. Maple syrup and cayanne pepper?! In LEMONADE? This truly disturbed me, but I have a mission to complete.

Anyways, there are three parts to this cleanse. Two of which are required to do.
The first is the Ease In; the first three days ease you into not eating. Day one is strict fruits and veggies only. The second, strict fruits or veggies juice OR just veggie broth. The third day is orange juice!

Next is the Cleanse; this is when you start to really get to the dirty hard part! Drinking only the 'lemonade' stuff as your meals and then washing it all out with a salt water drink at night. Salt water cannot mix with anything in your body and has to leave instantly. Sounds great, right? So, this goes on day and night for about a week (or as long as you can/can't stand).

Then you go backwords with the Ease Out; which is the Ease In, only preformed backwords so you are slowly reintroduced back onto solid food! This part is one of the most importants. If you rush back onto food, you're stomach will disagree. And that is not pleasant, I am sure.

So today is day one!
I'll blog about it tomorrow, right now I am beat! But I have some cleaning up to do and gotta take the doggie out and all this silly house wife like stuff!