Yeah, I told him everything you told me! Even that he could still work somewhere he knows really well. But he just... I don't know. He got really upset with me and so, I jokingly said, "Well, darn! Guess we should go our separate ways then!" And he yelled at me and asked why would I even say that. I told him I didn't mean, that I loved him, but I WON'T live my whole life somewhere it snows. He said he knew that. And I said, I refuse to even spend the majority of my life in snow.

And he told me that he wasn't willing to live to anywhere where it takes an hour or more to get to a resort. And I said, well, an hour isn't so bad for something you love. And then he told me that I haven't even tried anything to like the winter and I explained I hated the cold and there was nothing that would I enjoy, much less can afford to enjoy. ._.

Normally he's like Luke. Gives me a logic answer. But this time it was just a flat out, "No snow, no going."

So I got hurt and told him that I'm living my life here in the snow with him, away from the one thing I really love to. The ocean!

._______. I can't stop crying.