Sunday, March 29, 2009

New Layout Time! And A Little Rant

So, I've monetised my blog. Hopefully that'll do SOMETHING, right? And now I am in want of a layout to call my own. I got particullary clever with livejournal layouts, journalspace layouts and also with myspace ones, however I'm thinking Blogspot layouts are going to take me sometime to catch onto. I'm also hoping to get a TABLET for the computer with the money mother is paying me to clean out the old house. I have been wanting to test one for about six years now but never really willing to invest. Which is sort of sad. However this time I have promised myself that I will not flake out! I want to create my own graphics for my layout anyhow.

Mother recently moved out of our old house which was slowly poisoning her, again, and pretty much left anything she didn't instantly need. So, my sisters and I (and somehow my boyfriend) have offered our services to just through everything out. It's mostly junk anyhow, all intoxicated with mold and just useless. We'll try to sell the couch and bed frames seeing as how brand new they semi-are. Plus, I can't stand to see such a comfortable, good looking, huge couch go to waste.

On a side note;
A friend of our's found the blog of my mom's ex's fiance. Apparently, her and the lucky bastard are getting hitch. But shhhh, it's a secret because my mom might show up and ruin it for everyone! OH noes! Why in the hell would we want to waste our time coming to some fake marriage anyway? Their whole relationship is based around lies, as we have read, and it would only be a waste of OUR time to try and stop this poor lady from making a huge mistake like my mom and his wife before mom. She honestly thinks mister liar pays child support and that we want to RAISE it? What a hoot! That guy hasn't paid child support since we were forced to get a restraining order because he would follow us around in his stupid silver car with the license plate 'BATMAN'. Obviously we could never tell it was him! What a douche. As I remember, he was only paying three hundred for child support (for like two months) and the minium PER CHILD is three hundredish. So, he still owes us for Kaydance. Oh, and they both are not even eighteen yet, so he still has some catching up to do.

Not that ANY OF US want his money after what he's put us ALL through. All of the mind games and torture. I just wish I could find this lady and tell her the truth. She needs the truth. Even if she decided to actually go through with marrying him, at least she could be warned, you know? Physical and mental abuse are hard to go through when nobody believes you.

But for now, all I will do is pray that things go different for her and for her son. They need all the prayers and blessings they can get. To you lady; Good luck, don't be fooled, and stop writing about my mom. First of all, you don't know her, you only know HIS side. Which is mostly lies. He's got TWO ex wives who say the same thing. Isn't that a sign? Second of all, you are starting to sound a little obsessed with publicly bashing my mom. Not only is that morally wrong, it's slander. What goes around, will come around on judgement day.

Peace out~


  1. Yay! You worked out how to monetize! If you figure out how to make your own blogger layout let me know because I've been wanting to do so for a while now -le sigh-

  2. This is a bit of help for you. I am learning, too. Have to check out Little Sheila, see if she figures it out before us. Anyway, guess who actually paid some? We think his tax may have gone to the support. I guess that means someone knows where he lives now? The saddest thing is that this woman could easily go see the evidence with her own eyes. Thank you for caring so much. I am like you, I pray for that woman, feel bad for her that she lives her life like this. Very sad, must be a difficult life. The great news is the judge stepped down. He and the jerk may find themselves in prison together someday, for the same crimes! Anyway, I do try hard to stay away from them and that garbage. Sometimes I hate that anyone shows me, but then again, I do need to know because it's also a violation of the judge's orders and that's just one more thing that will help protect the girls. They are the biggest victims and she must not care she is victimizing them. VERY SAD!

  3. PS, they didn't have mine, but they had this: Vast Right Wing Attack Blog: Teresa Needs To Lay Off The Sauce!

    On the "your name needs" and then when I did it without the quotation marks: it has none, but does come up with my own pages. At least that's nice!
