Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Baby Crazed or just....Crazy?

So, a lot of people I know are or have had a baby in the recent year. Angelina had a baby (who I have yet to meet, sadness), Joanne is having a baby, Charity was having a baby (double triple sadness), Brenda just had her baby on April 1st, Hector's wife is having their third baby next month... Well, the list goes on and on (at least it seems so to me). So, I've been a bit surrounded by some baby frenzy.

I suppose it's really getting to me because for the past two weeks I've been having dreams about babies. Well, not babies in general, but more along the lines of having a baby. This all leads up to last night, I just didn't want to leave you in the "Why would she dream about that!" daze. So, I just wanted to share my latest, strange dream involving my aunt and babies.

I remember being happy but disappointed. And when it flashed to the next scene of my dream, I realized it was because I had a baby but Curtis was making me put it up for adoption because we weren't ready for it. (LOL! Like I'd listen to him!) I still worked at the Childrens Museum and my aunt Jen came by to this sort of group thing the place was putting on. And guess what she had! My baby. That's right, she had unknowingly adopted her own niece's baby boy. (Mind you, she didn't seem to have any kids during this dream except for my baby).

I just remember being very heart broken every time the baby cried and she would comfort it. I was so sad that someone else was raising my kid and I had to sit there and not saying anything. For some reason, I didn't tell my family and I got the feeling in my dream that they would be shocked if they found out.

LOL! How weird was that? I woke up very emotional and a little grumpy with Curtis. When I explained my dream to him, he sort of just stared at me like I was crazy and then apologized, saying he'd never make me do something like. Especially if my family adopted it! Ha, ha, ha. That would be my luck. Having to watch something I love grow up without me! Oh wait! Is that not what watching someone you love love someone is? Of course, silly crushes do not lead to much, but at the time it felt horrible. Back to my main point, I think I'll look up in a dream book or website to see what they make of this sort of dream. I'll post tomorrow! Right now, it's time for a movie with my put-my-kid-up-for-adoption-why-don't-ya boyfriend!

To all you mom's to be, watch out for my aunt!



  1. Yeah, watch out for your Aunt Chari! You tell them AveryAlexis! LOL! At least I was able to take your baby, I promise to love him/her as much as I love you!

  2. Uh, nice try!

    YOU are the aunt to watch out fer! I am way too angelic to need any watching!

    Besides, YOU only have FOUR babies...and I have six....and you wanna be so like me :)
